An introduction to music theory
Transposing this major key down a minor 3rd name the new key
Transposing this major key up a perfect 5th name the new key
Transposing this major key up a major 2nd name the new key
Transposing this major key up a minor 3rd name the new key
Transposing this major key down a major 2nd name the new key
Transposing down a minor 3rd, name the 1st note
Transposing up a perfect 5th, name the 1st note
Transposing up a major 2nd, name the 1st note
Transposing up a minor 3rd, name the 1st note
Transposing down a major 2nd, name the 1st note
Transposing down a perfect 5th, name the 1st note
Time’s up
Time is Up!